Acanthopyge Museum Moroccan Trilobite


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Aff Acanthopyge sp

Trilobites Order Lichida, Family Lichidae, Subfamily Trochurinae

Geological Time: Lower Devonian, Pragian Stage (~395 mya)

Size:Trilobite is 29 mm long by 28 mm wide (counting spines) on a 95 mmby 65 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Jorf, Morocco

Code: 16160

The location known as Jorf in Morocco has been a hotbed of new trilobite species for the past few years. Last year the first example of this unusual Lichid was shown to the collecting community. Very few examples have come to light since then, and few are of the quality of this fine example. This specimen displays the stunninggenal, pleural, and pygidial spines nicely arrayed. While some have indicated it might be a relative of Belenopyge, to my eyes it seems to have its closest affinities with the with the larger,more robust genus Acanthopyge. For the sake of expediency I will refer to itas Aff Acanthopyge. I have included one in-preparation photo of the trilobite prior to final finishing as well as a photo of the Jorf site from which many new types of trilobites are being founds